
Live & lead from a place of authenticity.

Through coaching you will identify what is holding you back,
practice new ways of being, and move toward living fully into your authentic self.


Identify and remove obstacles interfering with your professional growth.


Increase team cohesion and productivity through intentional work.

Meditation &

Connect with your breath to bring calm and ease into your daily life.

Breathe easy, even through the effort.

Experience the power of intentional breath.
Jennifer smiling with lake in background

Hello, I am Jennifer.

Before becoming a life coach, I did the intentional, internal work of finding my authentic self. Now I partner with people who are ready to do the same.

If you are feeling frustrated in your professional role, at a loss for what is holding you back, and willing to look inside for the answers, let's connect. We will work together to find the answers you seek.

Schedule A Free Consultation


“As a coach, Jennifer pointed out patterns in my mindset that were actually working against my growth as a leader; she helped me create actionable steps to remedy those unhelpful thought processes. “


“Jennifer brought clarity - without so much as guiding or suggesting, but excavating, exposing, and helping me see the way that, in reality, was always there.”


“Jennifer helped me uncover things about myself that were already there but that I was unable or unwilling to recognize.”


“Through coaching with Jennifer, I began recognizing that I put lots of obstacles in my own way, stopping or slowing me on my path. I also realized that I have more of a voice than I thought I did and that I can be authentic around my colleagues.”


“I discovered that I have the answers. I discovered that when I'm vulnerable and willing to admit my challenges or weaknesses, I actually grow as a result.”